Debbi Simmons Harris

M.A., M.S., GCAS-Creative Writing/Narrative Medicine


I am here to offer my lived experience as an African American mother of a son with complex medical needs and disabilities. Our journey has made me acutely aware of the challenges awaiting many persons of color at the intersection of race, disability, and medical complexity. I serve on a number of national committees dedicated to flushing out biases that hinder optimal critical health care relationships, while encouraging practices that build upon essential strengths to achieve them—ultimately assuring better clinical and quality-of-life outcomes for children and families. Experience on a number of writing and research teams has often corroborated our lived experience, which has also informed my participation on national panels around caregiver support; access, equity and inclusion; disparities in emergency department utilization; and the pediatric intensive care experience for families of children with chronic/complex conditions.

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